SciChart.js JavaScript Charts User Manual > Licensing SciChart.js
Licensing SciChart.js

SciChart.js Licensing

Community License

Starting from version 3.2 SciChart.js starts with a FREE, fully featured, community license.  No need to sign up, start a trial, or enter a license key. This is for non-commercial use, and limited time commercial evaluation. For all the details on community licensing, including who can use it, features and restrictions, check out the community licensing page.  The main thing to be aware of is that any version of SciChart.js is only valid for community use for 6 months from the date of it's release, so you need to update your application regularly.

To use SciChart.js in commercial applications without a watermark, and without the need to regularly update it, purchase a full license from

Once you purchased licenses, the license is perpetual with optional renewal to keep up to date (get support and get later builds).

Activating a Purchased License

If you have purchased licenses to SciChart, full instructions to license can be found on the web at

If your license has been applied correctly, you should be able to run your application on devices and without seeing the "SciChart" watermark.

Troubleshooting Licensing

Please see the troubleshooting section at  If you contact support with a licensing issue, we will ask you to enable license debug mode.  This is done by setting a local storage key called LICENSE_DEBUG with value 1.  Reload the page and the console will output detailed licensing information.  Please copy this log from the very beginning - it starts with the scichart version number.

If you have trouble with licensing or activation, please contact SciChart.js Support.